Friday, October 5, 2012

Joy of Joys

As he does every morning, this morning Nate hit the snooze button multiple times.  I usually have a hard time falling back to sleep until he gets up, because I worry that he is going to turn off his alarm and not get up or something.  It is dumb, and I don't know why I worry about it... he's a big boy and can take care of himself.

So this morning he hit it a few times, and I was able to actually fall back asleep, and I did hard.  I worke up and noticed it was light out, and in a panic I sat up and looked over him to the alarm clock and it was 7:21.  That only gave him 10-15 minutes until he had to leave, and I frantically started patting him and said "Honey you gotta get up, it's late!" That was when I looked again and I was patting Jack, and Nate was not actually in bed still.  How did I mistake a 16 pound baby for a 200 pound man?  I about died laughing, and got out of bed immediately to tell Nate.

To answer the question that my story undoubtedly put in your head- no Jack doesn't regularly sleep in our bed.  Last night was, in fact, the first night that he slept in his nursery alone.  However when he woke up for the third time to nurse around 6 this morning, I said screw it, and let him stay in bed with us after that.

And a quick picture of Jack last night before bed- my little Sun Devil.  (Note: Nate, and now Jack, wears ASU gear way more often than I do, which is basically never.  I need to step my game up!)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Family Time

Last weekend Ashley visited for a long weekend, but if you ask me, it wasn't long enough!  It was fun having her here!  We did some fun stuff including apple picking, eating BBQ, playing games, walking around campus, tweeting just for laughs, having ice cream, and just hanging out.  I wish she didn't live so far away!  

We had planned on doing more outdoors, but it rained pretty much all day Sunday so we were stuck indoors. The weather here has been spotty- quite chilly one day, comfortable the next, rainy, sunny, cloudy- we even had to sleep with our a/c on the other night.  I am really enjoying the beginning of fall!  The trees have started changing colors but are not in full effect yet.  My mom is coming to visit next week, so I think she will get to experience the super colorful leaves.  And I hope the weather remains nice while she is here.  We will see!  Also, on a related note, I have talked to a few locals about the first snow, and they said to expect it around Halloween.  One lady told me she thinks it will definitely snow by the end of the month.  Eek, that's only a few weeks! 

Here are some pictures from recently and from Ashley's trip.

Our little iPad lover

Scooting under the coffee table, his favorite place.

Jack and Nate opening Jack's six month present, which he loves!

A rare family photo, taken at Syracuse University. As much as I l-o-v-e ASU, the SU campus has way more charm.

Apple picking

Empire apple picking, sisters, baby, free coffee and husband- great day!

More apple shots because, why not!

Twitterizing.  #Ashleyisinliverpool Bahahah.  Speaking of hashtags, watch this hilarious Instagram parody if you haven't!

Just hanging out, waiting for our soup!

Family, and the beginning of fall!

He does love his Aunt Ashley!

Until next time, xo