Monday, September 10, 2012

3 Days and Counting!

This weekend was not particularly fun, but it was good.  We got a bunch done around the house, and renting a Uhaul and moving our stuff to the storage unit was a lot less painful than I had imagined.  Always a good thing!  {Note: Physically, it was pretty painful.  My knees just aren't the same since having Jack, agh, I'm old.  However, Nate and I had great teamwork and knocked it out quicker than we had anticipated with no bickering.  That's what I call a success!}

Dinner on Friday was fun, as expected, and tasty, which fueled my hunger for Mexican food!  Fortunately, I am leaving on Thursday for a long weekend in Arizona, and I will do my best to make time to get at least one Mexican meal in!

Nate has off school on Mondays this semester, but always has so much homework and so many projects to work on, that I dropped him off at school earlier, and won't be picking him up for 6 hours.  That is dedication, my friends.  Jack and I are just hanging around here, getting some organizing done between playing, eating, and nap sessions.  I am also prepping some chicken for quick meals this week.  Our family schedule (or lack thereof) is so wonky lately, that we just don't have the same amount of prep time for meals as we used to have.  We have been cooking at home a lot lately, now that things are unpacked and semi-organized, and it is so great!  We both like to cook, and enjoy similar foods.  Plus we are living on a limited income, so any way to save money is a good thing.

And a few pictures I snapped today:

Sweet pillow set-up I made for Jack so he could sit up while I worked.  He is no longer safe in his Bumbo unless someone is sitting right there- he knows how to eject himself out of it.  Lesson learned.

Ah ha!  Mission accomplished!  Nap time.  {He doesn't sleep in his crib at night, he is still in a portable sleeper in our room at night, but we are trying to transition him to his crib for at least nap times for now.  Normally I just let him sleep wherever he falls asleep, but he is no longer safe on the couch, or boppy..)

Sophisticated reads and drink.

Back to cleaning!  I hope to be 100% unpacked and set up by the time I leave for Arizona.  

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